Help Us Grow to Serve More Families!
Your generosity makes our program & expansion efforts possible
and keeps the cost of an Orthodox Christian education affordable.
Please consider a donation of time, talents, or treasure!
2024 Expansion Fund
We are currently raising funds to enable us to help more families by offering a 5-day-per-week program alongside our traditional 3-days. We've heard from several families who would like to join our program but need this additional support.
In order to make this dream a reality, our goal is to raise $50,000 by Pascha (May 5). These funds will enable us to purchase the additional furniture, books, and other supplies needed for the expanded program as well as hiring additional staff and offering scholarships to families in need.
Please help us reach 50K by 5/5 so that we can go for 5 days!
Click here for our online campaign or make checks payable to "Saint Justin Academy".
Scholarship Fund
Help us assist families who need financial support to afford private education.
General Donations
Any amount is appreciated!
K-1 Scholarships = $500 or $750
​Grades 2-12 = $1,000 or $1,500
NEW! Tues/Thurs = $500 or $750
Named Scholarships
Annually renewing pledges for $500+ or one-time gifts of $5,000+ may be named after a patron saint or as a memorial for a departed loved one.
Click here for our online campaign or make checks payable to "Saint Justin Academy".
Volunteer Support
Many hands make light work! We currently have needs for the volunteer support roles below. For more information, please contact us here!
Recess Monitors
12-1pm (Mon-Fri); Choose your day(s)
Classroom Aides
3-hour shifts, AM or PM (Mon-Fri)
Choose your own day(s) and time(s)
Nursery Aides
Monday and/or Wednesday mornings
Events & Fundraising Committee
Help us with the "fun stuff"!
Board Members
Director of Communications
Director of Fundraising & Events
Material Donations
For those who prefer material gifts, we have an Amazon Registry with specific books & supplies that we'd like to procure for SJA.
Please click here to view the list.
Note that this link is offered for the sake of convenience, but we will gladly accept the same new & gently used items from any source!
Do you have a talent, hobby, or area of expertise to share with our students? Volunteer subject-matter experts are always welcome. Click here to let us know about your interests & availability.
If you can commit to a core subject, such as science or math, that's fantastic! But if you had something more limited in mind, we also appreciate guest speakers who come for a one-time lesson, a series, or an ongoing elective subject, such as:
Sports / Fitness Activities
Sacred Arts
Science Labs / Experiments
Greek Language Games
Life Skills / Home Economics
Legacy Gifts
We would be honored to be considered as part of your legacy planning in giving the gift of a private Orthodox education to generations to come. Contact us to learn more.